How many ifihadglass entries

With hundred of thousands of entries they managed to select around That means all you winners of the ifihadglass deal are up next. As a little light of hope Google mentions they are excited to be moving to the next stage of the Explorer Program, and they hope to expand it further in the future. That means another opportunity to get your own might be coming again soon. Sign in. Forgot your password? Good Subscriber Account active since Shortcuts. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.

It often indicates a user profile. Log out. US Markets Loading H M S In the news. Jay Yarow. This sounds exciting. One of these two tweets won. And they're both crazy. Good luck finding the Dragon Balls with your Glass. Entries must include the hash tag "ifihadglass" and be submitted through Google Plus or Twitter by next Wednesday. Google did not say how many glasses it will sell this way. Winners will receive the "Explorer" version of Google Glass, a forerunner of the product that is expected to be released to the mass market next year.

Google Inc. The people picked to buy this next batch of glasses will be notified in mid- to late March. Google Glass is supposed to perform many of the same tasks as smartphones, except the spectacles respond to voice commands instead of fingers touching a display screen. The glasses include a tiny display screen attached to a rim above the right eye and run on Google's Android operating system for mobile devices.


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