How much do alberta teachers get paid

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Latest National Stories. Email Address There was an error, please provide a valid email address. Thanks for signing up! Several positions will become available due to retirements. The amount of money you need to live comfortably in Canada differs from one city to another. However, a good salary, in general, refers to a decent lifestyle and the high happiness quotient of the employee. Skip to content Lifehacks.

Toews made the comments prior to introducing an omnibus bill that includes shifting overall bargaining responsibility from the Education Department to his ministry. Talks on a new deal with its 46, members are just ramping up. Watch below Dec. Jason Schilling, president of the association, has noted teachers have had no wage increases in six of the last seven years, despite rising student enrolment.

Toews has been the point person on public-sector talks. He introduced legislation last year that delayed arbitration for thousands of public-sector employees and followed that with requests for wage rollbacks. Alberta is asking 24, government staff, including sheriffs and social workers, to take a one per cent pay cut in the first year of a new contract followed by a three-year wage freeze. Watch below Feb. Jayme Doll reports. The United Nurses of Alberta says the government is proposing no wage increases over the next four years along with reductions to overtime, holiday and premium pay in their new contract.

The bill proposes that starting this fall, schools would need to clear spending from those funds with the government.


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