Is it possible to overcome mental illness

The civil rights of students with hidden disabilities under Section of the Rehabilitation Act of Department of Education. Accessed May 2, Wong EC, et al.

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Advocacy Crisis Intervention. Advocacy State Fact Sheets. Advocacy Public Policy Reports. Is there a cure? Frequently Asked Questions. Back to questions. Most mental illnesses are due to very subtle pathology in brain which cannot be shown by the current imaging technology. There is certainly some subtle pathology in the brain leading to the symptoms of mental illness, and the pathology is amendable to treatment.

All in all, all mental illnesses are due to pathology in brain. Treatment of mental illness can be mainly divided into pharmacological and non-pharmacological one. For pharmacological treatment, they work by restoring balance of chemicals in brain. For example, an antipsychotic normalizes the transmission of a chemical known as dopamine, and therefore, makes delusion subside.

Some medication might even promote the healing of brain. For example, an antidepressant works by restoring the normal transmission of a chemical called serotonin among the brain cells, as well as promoting the healing of damaged part of brain through a growth factor called brain-derived neurotrophic factor BNDF.

Non-pharmacology treatment includes various forms of psychotherapy and psychiatric rehabilitation training. Psychotherapy helps patients to change their way of thinking and behavior. For example, in cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, under the guidance of a therapist, the patient learns to change the way of thinking and acting, and subsequently improve mood and get rid of undesirable thought and maladaptive behaviour.

There are two important concepts about psychological treatment. They also promote the healing of the brain by reducing the stress experienced by the patients in daily life.

Second, unlike receiving a surgical treatment, e. Receiving psychological treatment is more like working in a gym with a fitness coach; the coach instructs and motivates you to complete various programmes of training. All in all, it is you giving the strength and sweat to lift up weights and running on treadmill, to build up muscles in your body and fitness of heart and lung.

In psychological treatment, all treatment effect comes from your effort to take new behaviour and adopt new way of thinking. Nobody can replace yourself. Psychiatric rehabilitation training maintains the motivation, work skills and interpersonal skills of the patients by engaging them to tasks which match their ability. Patient should pay attention to side-effects of medications. Every medication has numerous possible side-effects among which a few are common i. For psychiatric medications, in recent decades, the new generation of psychiatric medications has already improved significantly in side-effect profile.

Also, many side-effects subside as the body starts to adapt to the medications. Doctors can minimize the medication side-effects by adjusting the dosage and frequency of taking medications. It is important for patients to report to their doctor any discomfort after taking the prescribed medications. The doctor will judge whether the discomfort is a medication side-effect, a symptom of the mental illness or the symptoms of another illness.

Sometimes, the side-effects can be completely relieved. The doctor will discuss with the patient to decide on the plan of medication treatment, after balancing the risk of relapse and the harm of side-effect. Facing a mental illness might be more difficult than many other illnesses involving other parts of body, for the stigma on mental illness in the society.

Stigma makes patients reluctant to seek help and to receive appropriate treatment. Seeking help early and adhering to appropriate treatment are the two most important steps in combating a mental illness.

These steps take a lot of courage. Most of those who refuse to seek help or fail to adhere to treatment are actually aware of something wrong with their mind, but they just cannot take the wise move. How can a patient motivate himself to seek treatment? How can a person motivate a family member or a friend to seek treatment? The two key actions are: A correct knowledge of mental illness, and a correct attitude to mental illness.

Everyone has his own health belief, i. Our health belief is much shaped by the culture e. Health belief based on traditional idea might not be always true, as advance in scientific knowledge unearth more and more true about health.

This is particularly so for knowledge about the most complicated organ of the body which was still a total myth to people one century ago. There is wide-spread misunderstanding about mental illness, for example that mental illness is feigned or self inflicted, that mental illness reflects a weakness of character, or that mental illnesses are incurable.

As mentioned before, mental illness is due to damage to certain parts of brain, and there is effective treatment which helps to heal the damaged part.

For attitude, a denial attitude to problems which are perceived as too difficult to overcome is not a good attitude but is understandable. Have you ever chosen to deny a problem e. He might tell himself that as long as I have not seen a doctor and I have not yet been diagnosed a mental illness, I am still not mentally ill. This might sound ridiculous. However, this denial to illness is not limited to mental illness. Have you known any friend who is obviously overweight and is having an unhealthy lifestyle, but refuses body check?

He might believe that as long as he has not been diagnosed diabetes or high blood cholesterol, he is still healthy and can continue the lifestyle without consequence. To overcome the denial and avoidance attitude to mental illness, we should tell ourselves that most patients can recover from their mental illness; the earlier the treatment, the earlier the recovery. Support from family and peers are important, but all in all, it is the patient himself giving the courage to seek treatment.

Only after overcoming the denial attitude, a patient can seek assessment and treatment for an illness. If you ignore issues, they are unlikely to go away and may get worse. If you find it difficult to manage your money due to your mental health take a look at the following website: www. Stay in contact with people who can help you stay well. You can stay in contact with people by the following. How can friends and family support me? Friends and family members can offer support to you and help to build hope for your future.

They may be able to offer you better support if they understand your illness. You could suggest that they read information about your illness.

We have information on different mental health conditions at www. What is family intervention? Family intervention is offered through the NHS for people who experience psychosis. It is a therapy where you and your family work with mental health professionals to help to manage relationships.

This should be offered to people who you live with or who you are in close contact with. The support that you and your family are given will depend on what problems there are and what preferences you all have. This could be group family sessions or individual sessions. Your family should get support for 3 months to 1 year and should have at least 10 planned sessions.

How can I think about how relationships affect me? Unfortunately, not all relationships are positive. It is important to recognise when your relationships with others is having a negative effect on you. Keeping a mood diary may help you to identify people who are making you feel unwell or stressed. See the mood diary section of this page for more information.

Guide to investing in relationships: www. Tips for building a healthy relationship: www. Joining a support group can be a good way to help yourself. Support groups may give you hope for the future or help you to take control of your life. They are a place where you can share experiences with others and get mutual support. You can search for local support groups below:.

You can contact an emotional support lines for support. Emotional support lines are also known as listening services. They are a place that you can off load how you are feeling to someone who is trained to listen.

Counselling is a type of talking treatment. Routine Routine may help to improve your mental wellbeing. It will help to give a structure to your day and may give you a sense of purpose.

John lives with depression. He has noticed that he can manage his condition well if he has regular exercise and sleep. John exercises for at least 30 minutes a day. He walks to his local shop to buy his milk and newspaper on most days. If the weather is bad, John uses a strong wooden box to step up and down from while he watches the television. He monitors his sleep with a diary and has a set bedtime routine, which helps. John meditates before he goes to bed. He finds it helpful if he has a stressful day.

Learn something new You may want the learn something new. New activities can help you to learn new skills and meet new people. Sleep Sleep is very important. Your mental health symptoms may feel worse if you are tired. Not getting enough sleep can cause problems such as poor concentration and low mood. Long term sleep issues can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

You can find out more about how to improve your sleep at: www. Eat well You can feel emotionally well if you eat well. Eating well will mean something different to different people. Generally, it means:. You can find out more about eating well here: www. Exercise Exercise can improve your mental health.

It can help with depression and anxiety and symptoms such as:. Exercise can help improve mild depression, just as good as antidepressants or talking treatments. They do this by helping you get a free or reduced rate gym membership. This is part of social prescribing. See social prescribing in this factsheet for more information.

We are undefeatable is an exercise campaign that Rethink Mental Illness are involved with. Click the following link for more information: www. You can read more about physical health and lifestyle changes below here: www. Remember to congratulate yourself for any achievement. You can use a WRAP to get well, stay well and make your life your own.

It was developed in by a group of people who were searching for ways to overcome their own mental health issues and move on to fulfilling their life dreams and goals. Website : www. Staying well with bipolar is a guide based on the research conducted by Rethink Mental Illness. It is based on the personal experiences and learning of 32 people. They provide videos and information on issues relating to mental health. This page has tips and ideas to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing, so you can be your best at work.

Developed by the Mental Health Providers Forum, the recovery star measures outcomes to allow people to measure their recovery progress. Samaritans Can be contacted by telephone, letter, e-mail and mini-com.

There's also a face-to-face service, available at their local branches. They are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Telephone : Email : jo samaritans. Sane Line Work with anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends and carers.

Their helpline is open between pm and They also provide a free text-based support service called Textcare and an online supportive forum community where anyone can share their experiences of mental health. Telephone : pm — pm every evening Textcare : www. Support Line They offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post.

They work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self-esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life. Their opening hours vary so you need to ring them for details.

Telephone : E-mail : info supportline. Papyrus UK Work with people under 35 who are having suicidal feelings. And with people who are worried about someone under Their helpline is open 9am — 10pm in the week. And between 2pm and 10pm at weekends and bank holidays. Telephone : 41 41 Email : pat papyrus-uk. Campaign Against Living Miserably Aimed specifically at men.

Their helpline is open between 5pm and midnight every day of the year. Telephone outside London : 58 58 58 Telephone London : 58 58 Webchat : through the website Website : www.

Silverline Aimed at people over They also offer telephone friendship where we match volunteers with older people based on their interests, facilitated group calls, and help to connect people with local services in their area.

Telephone : 4 70 80 90 Website : www. The Mix Aimed at people under Their helpline is open between 4pm and 11pm, 7 days a week. They also run a crisis text service which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


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