Use the date calculator to get your age in days or measure the duration of an event. You can do the reverse unit conversion from millennium to century , or enter any two units below:.
A century is a period of years, which can have either 24 or 25 leap years, depends on whether the year xx00 is a leap year or not. We assume there are 25 leap year days in a typical century. Adding another 25 days adds 2,, seconds, so there are a total of 3,,, seconds in a century that has 25 leap years.
A millennium is a period of time equal to one thousand years. Follow the article to figure it out. By convention of the Gregorian calendar, also known as the Gregorian Calendar, the timelines are formulated into years:. Method 1: 1 millennium is calculated from year x - y ie millennium I from year 1 to , the second millennium from to Method 2: 1 the millennium is calculated from the year x - x means that from is the millennium millennium, from is called millennium Method 3: 1 millennium is counted from year x - y, meaning 1st millennium from AD 1 - AD, 2nd millennium starting from - , 3rd millennium starting from - The 21st century begins on January 1, and ends on December 31, That time is equal to You should know that it changes a little each year because when you travel ,, miles ,, km sometimes you go a little faster or slower.
Stuff happens along the way. As we move around the Sun, days change and four seasons begin to appear. Seasons exist because the Earth does not sit up and down. It's on a bit of a tilt. That tilt allows the day lengths to change throughout the year. Seasons with longer and warmer days are summers and the shorter and colder days are winters. The differences in the seasons are not as noticeable on the equator. As you move towards the poles , they become more and more extreme.
Summers at the poles are almost entirely daylight and the winters are almost entirely night. Leaping Like a Frog Now you know a year is a little more than days. A day is a little less than 24 hours long. All of this "little less" and "little more" adds up through the years. That leads s to the idea of leap years. Every four years we need to adjust our calendars.